Davidoff Entreacto, Davidoff cigars, hand made cigars, new world cigars, single cigars
Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto
Davidoff Entreacto, Davidoff cigars, hand made cigars, new world cigars, box of 20

Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto

Regular price £22.00
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Davidoff Entreacto

The Cigar

Entreacto literally means “the interval between acts” , this beautiful cigar affords a dense smoke with a harmonious aroma of leather and spices in a Short Corona format for the pauses in life that matter most

Filler:Dominican Republic - San Vicente Seco / Piloto Seco / Hybrid Corojo / Olor Seco

Ring Gauge:43



Binder:Ecuador - Hybrid Connecticut/Habano Seco