6 products
Davidoff The Master Selection 2012 Toro Cigars
The Cigar
Every year our highly skilled members of the Davidoff Master Blending Team get together to commemorate a year time beautifully filled of the Davidoff White Band collection. We have now made a limited number of these very personal cigars available to you, providing the opportunity to taste a uniquely crafted blend.”
Created as a blend for our Master Blenders to enjoy themselves in 2012, these cigars were rolled two years ago and have been aging under careful supervision ever since. Each cabinet box carries a numbered label showing the creation date of the blend as well as one of the experts’ signature.”
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Dominican Hybrid 192 Seco
Filler: Yamasá visus (aged in Bourbon barrels), San Vicente Mejorado Visus, Piloto Seco, Hybrid Corojo/Olor Ligero and Criollo Visus
Size: 6 x 52
Vitola: Toro
Davidoff Royal Release Salomones
Davidoff Royal Release Robusto
Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition 2024
In 1946, Zino Davidoff designed a line of cigars which would be crafted like classic Bordeaux wines. The blend would be selected depending on the soil and the climate in which the tobacco grew, just like the French ‘terroirs’. And just as Bordeaux wines blend three different main grapes, these cigars would feature three different fillers.
Voilá, Davidoff Grand Cru cigars were born. Now, like the rich, ripe grapes of Bordeaux, the fruits of another piece of innovation have been harvested and turned into a truly remarkable cigar, one even more deserving of the title Grand Cru.
For the Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection incorporates tobacco aged in Premier Grand Cru red wine casks from Bordeaux. In the spirit of Zino’s pioneering blends, this is the first time where a winecask aged tobacco has been used.
A San Vicente seco tobacco is matured for six months in the casks. As a result, the flavour carries the same notes which characterise the chateaux wines – dark cherries, walnuts and citrus. The combination rolls around in the mouth like wine being swirled in a glass. To add extra distinctiveness to this Limited Edition, it comes in the striking figurado format. The shape guides the palate towards the richness of the blend. Perfect to accompany a vintage bottle from France’s most celebrated wine region. For this is truly vintage Davidoff.
Davidoff Aniversario No.1 Limited Edition 2023
Davidoff Aniversario No.1 Limited Edition 2023
The Cigar
Made to celebrate Zino Davidoff's 80th birthday in 1986, the original Aniversario No. 1 honoured the occasion with its exceptional size and elegance. Today you can savour this re-rolled icon as Davidoff Aniversario No. 1 Limited Edition Collection.
The Davidoff Aniversario No. 1 with its impressive size allows for a pronounced development of all three parts of the cigar, during which the blend's sophisticated taste is brought out nicely. In the first third, herbal aromas complement warm notes of cedar wood and cream. Moving on, citrus and fresh spice are dominated by savoury roasted nuts. As the cigar approaches its grand finale, hints of fresh spice harmonise with flavours of walnuts and cedar wood.
The limited-edition cigar is presented in a 48 RG x 8 ⅔" double corona format.
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